To assist with your collection of the information we need to optimize your Claim, these forms will help you access your information from four major pharmacies.
When requesting your records, you do not need to tell the pharmacy the reason you want them. It's your business and all they need to know is that you want a copy for your own records.
Wal-Mart - Patient Access Request
Rite Aid - Patient Access Request
Walgreens - Patient Access Request
Costco - Patient Access Request
Safeway - Patient Access Request
Meijer - Patient Access Request
We aim at the heart of what these drug companies are trying to hide. They KNEW they did wrong and yet they continue to make billions of dollars on selling these highly addictive drugs.
This core group of team members is the tip of the spear of our organization. In addition to our extended team members, key stakeholders, associate partners and co-counsel relationships we have an organization geared towards success and getting you the compensation you deserve.