If you have suffered a serious injury or have had to undergo surgery, there is a good chance that an opioid-based medication was administered to provide pain relief. Opioids have been used for years in medicine as powerful painkillers. However, their overuse has led to a public health crisis in the US known as the opioid epidemic. Opioid use has led to addiction with more than 8 people dying every day as a result of overdose and other effects of the misuse of opioids.
If you or a loved one have been harmed as a result of using prescription opioids, you may be eligible to seek compensation for your damages. You may also be eligible to seek compensation if your loved one has died in an opioid related death. It is critical that you seek the guidance of an attorney to determine your rights and whether you can recover an opioid settlement.
File Your Opioid Settlement Claim here – https://www.opioid-settlement.com/file-your-opioid-claim-now.html
Who can file a claim for an opioid settlement?
If you were harmed as a result of taking prescription opioids, you can file a claim for compensation for your injuries and other damages. Legal guardians of those that have been harmed by the use of prescription opioids can also file a claim for compensation. If you are a survivor of a person that died as or has been disabled in an opioid related incident, you may also file a claim for compensation.
It is important to begin the process of seeking compensation for the damages as soon as possible in order to beat any deadlines. If you’re uncertain of whether you have a valid claim or not, you should seek the advice of an experienced attorney. An attorney will evaluate your claim and determine whether it is valid. They will assist you in getting the process started in order to avoid being locked out by deadlines.
File Your Opioid Settlement Claim here – https://www.opioid-settlement.com/file-your-opioid-claim-now.html
Opioid Settlement Claim