Looking to get a claim filed? This post discusses how the ideal claimant goes about filing their claim. They go onto www.Opioid-Settlement.com, fill out the Submit a Claim Now form with all the proper contact information, and they include a brief summary of what happened. Remember with a phone number you do not need to include a 1 before you type it in, the system can only take 10 digits. After you have filled out the claim form, you should get a text with links and an email with information on how to get the fee agreement signed and how to do the intake.
First go ahead and sign the fee agreement, in order to get to the fee agreement click the top link in the text (there will be two links in the text, the top is the fee agreement and the bottom is the questionnaire), or the link in the email that says fee agreement. If you do not see an email in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder and move the email over to your inbox.
The email subject will begin with: ***Please Review and Sign*** Once you click the link to get to the Fee Agreement you should see a document open that has a large red circle logo at the top. Once on the fee agreement, in order to sign it properly, you will have to make sure all the fields at the top are filled out with your information, and you will need to have your name on both the “Client” line and the “Name” line. This can get tricky with a small phone, and one technique to help is by turning your phone into landscape mode.
If you are having problems with this see the blog post titled “Having trouble with this Fee Agreement e-sign!” Once you have all the fields filled on the top of the fee agreement, then scroll down. At the end of the typed document, but before the box of listed companies, there is a spot for you to place your signature, simply press on it, and a signature box should open up. If a white area opened on your screen try zooming out of that.
Sign the box with your finger, and then insert your signature. Once you have done this scroll all the way back up to the top of the document, if you need to switch from portrait to landscape or vice-versa it can help to get it to the right area. Once at the top you will see a green bar at the top saying “Required fields are done” and all the way over on the right is a blue box saying Continue, press on this box and another page will come up that says “Almost done.” Go all the way over to the right and press “I agree” once you press that we should have a properly signed fee agreement.
The next step is to get any documentation you have, like pharmacy records, medical records, treatment records, incarceration records, in some cases a death certificate, and anything else you think is relevant. If you have these in paper form you will need to scan them and send them, fax them, or copy them and send them by mail. If you need to know where and how to get records to us, simply text a message to the same number you received the texts of the links from.
Then finally fill out the questionnaire, and if you have your records in any type of digital form, including photograph, the last question should ask if you have documentation, press yes and use the system to upload the documents. A claim that is substantiated with documentation is much easier for our team to get properly filed, and we will not have to call you and bother you for documents down the line.
After this is all done, you will just need to wait for us to do what is necessary to make sure your claim is properly filed against and we will notify you via email when we get any news about your claim!
If you have any questions the best way to contact us is by using email or text message, simply text your question and we will answer it as soon as possible.
By: Joseph Hall Esq.
Claims Process